Why choose
Our 1-on-1 tutoring service is built to serve each student differently based on their learning style, needs, and current struggles in their learning or academics.
How It Works?
Study with hisensei is as easy as 1 . . 2 . . 3 . .
Inquiry and Consultation
Contact us and we will provide a consultation session to get your data and give you the best tutoring service based on your request.

Free Trial or Placement Test
We will provide and conduct a FREE TRIAL of our class to let the students experience our learning atmosphere and measure their abilities or skill with our placement test.

Join the Class
We will make the class schedule based on your request and student's result of the placement test.

Start the Class
You can start your class. Then, get a report periodically to keep on track or progress.

See the Difference
You will feel the difference and see the improvement after 3 months of learning with us.

Frequently Asked Questions
Mathematics, Science, English, Physics, chemistry, Biology, Accounting, History & Mandarin tutoring services for G12, IGCSE, A/AS level students in Indonesia.
All learning medias & materials can be accessed only through hisensei website (via desktop browser) and cannot be downloaded.
Free Trial is a free online tutoring demo which purpose is to give a real experience of 60 minutes of regular class’s atmosphere. You will experience how our top rated teacher delivers the materials, and also try out the interactive materials or games in a realtime.
In this session, you will get more information about how to join the regular’s class. To get a free trial session, you can simply register from this link. Then, our admin will contact you for the inquiries & an arranged free trial’s schedule which based on your needs.
Once you get access for student’s account, you can view a learning map and detailed-curriculum. Besides, you will also get the access of video conference such as Zoom to learn with the tutor just as soon as you have your tutoring’s schedule.
You can experience our interactive teaching’s materials like videos, games, and exercises. Either, there is a test that can be taken to challenge yourself to the next level of the lesson. Our adaptive learning & best teachers will assist you to have a learning which based on your competency & interests. So, you will get a new fun learning’s experience.
Regular Class is a paid online tutoring session that based on your favorable schedules & subjects to learn.
To join a Regular Class, you can simply contact us through website, whatsapp, or our social media.
Our admin will help you to arrange tutoring’s schedule that based on your needs.
Once you get the schedule and complete the payment, you will get an access of student’s account and you are ready to start learning with us.
- Learning map
- Learning materials (videos, slides)
- Practice materials (games and interactive exercises)
- Assessment test (interactive quizzes, unit test, and final assessment)
- Tutoring’s session based on an agreed schedule
Your questions are not listed above? Feel free to contact us